So here are two of my "outfits" for Hawaiian Tropic. It was seriously not as much fun as you may think it would have been. There were two really good parts; 1- I was a 80's aerobics instructor (for my Halloween costume - Can you believe I had double the amount of clothes on than anyone else?) and there was a guy in the audience who was the same thing, I'll post that photo soon; 2 - girls actually cried about the whole thing. Like really cried, especially, but not limited to when they didn't get the swimsuit they wanted, when another girl tried to trip on them on the runway (I wish I saw that), when someone had the same dress, when someone spilt oil on them, when they didn't get autograph posters first and actually had to eat....the list goes on. The one perk to this whole thing, the reason why I did it was a free photo shoot, I ended up knowing the photographer so I ended up with over a 100 pictures so as soon as I get those I'll stop crying too!
7 & 5
10 years ago
I LOVE the aerobics instructer look! A little bit "Flashdance" too with the top. lol