Monday, August 27, 2012

Sea Adventure 80

Living Joke

I have pretty much been living in a swim suit since moving to Discovery Bay. And it seemed that as soon as I turned 33 I got fat. Soooooo I saw this ad on Living Social for this thing that makes you lose inches after just 2 appointments. Sounds too good to be true right? It was. I went to this "Dr.'s" office in Walnut Creek and and was introduced to the "Dr" and the Lipo machine. The doctor measured my stomach and and then strapped these little boxes on my stomach and set the machine for 10 minutes. Ten minutes later he came back moved the little boxes and set the machine for ten more minutes. When the ten minutes were up he cam back measured my stomach and I lost 3 mm. WHAT?!?!?!?! 3 mm I could have stopped drinking water for 1 day and lost that. I was kinda pissed. I still went back to the next appointment. (I mean I paid $99 for this package.) I Had the same results the second time and realized what a scam this stupid machine was! BOOOOO!!!!

Broken Down

The PINK PONTOON went out on Saturday and boy was it a disaster. The wind was blowing, it was freezing cold and people were a - holes. I was heading home from a LONG chilly day at Ski Beach battling the the 20 mph winds with a motor issue and guess what? I was stuck. The wind pushed my into the rocks, The PINK PONTOON was getting smashed against the levy. FINALLY I got it out into the canal and dropped anchor. The Sheriff came by and told me to call vessel assist. Well VA told me it would be about $750 to come help, so I basically decided to wait from a nice boater to stop and help or sleep there. I was super happy when two boats came by and said they would give me gas....if I took all my clothes off! WHAT!?!?!? That didn't happen. About 30 minutes later another couple came by and towed me all the way home! They were soooooo nice!!!

Love This

Poor Gracie

Poor Gracie! In over seven years Gracie has never really been sick - she's been hurt (hit by a truck, kicked by a cow, tangled in barbed wire, hooked with fishing hooks....) - but never really sick. Well the right side of her face swelled up and she could barely eat so I decided she needed to see a vet. Off we went. Apparently she has had a fractured tooth for a long while and it got infected and made her face swell. So she needed it removed and she had a tumor on her leg they wanted to cut off too. I scheduled the appointment and took her in. Poor this was so messed up from the anesthesia she couldn't walk to eat or go to the bathroom. I felt so bad for her. It took about 10 days before she was back to normal.

Happy Ending

When you see two teenagers walk in the restaurant doors and make their way to your sections you expect the worst. These two not only tipped, but organized the tip by money type!

Happy Birthday!!

Growing up Catherine and I had one of these (actually she had one of these). It is a Snoopy Snow Cone Maker. The other day I saw one on Pinterest and pinned it and a week later look what showed up fro my birthday!!! Can't wait to use it!! Why do they only come with purple flavor?

Sunset Cruise

Me and Gracie out for a sunset cruise. The PINK PONTOON is the best boat ever!!

Busy Day At Ski Beach

The PINK PONTOON had a super busy day at Ski Beach. I saw TONS of face tattoos, lots of fat people in bikinis AND sold lots of food!!!

TGI Fridays?

Nope this flair is for THE PINK PONTOON!!! Can't wait to add these to the boat!